Partner with Inclusee

Corporate Partnership Enquiry

Interested in exploring a partnership with Inclusee? 

Complete our enquiry form to start a conversation about how we can work together.

Building a Better Tomorrow

Our partners play a pivotal role in enhancing our reach and impact. Discover how these partnerships are making a difference and get inspired to join this network of change-makers.
Have Questions?
For more information or specific queries about corporate partnerships, please reach out to us directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of volunteer roles does Inclusee offer?

Inclusee has a variety of virtual volunteer roles, like digital visiting, mentoring, and facilitating fun online sessions, perfect for corporate volunteers looking to connect and engage with seniors online.

How much time is needed for volunteering?

We value flexibility. Most roles need just an hour a week. We tailor programs to fit both your organisation and Inclusee's needs.

Are there fees for corporate volunteering?

No fees at all! Your time and involvement are the most valuable contributions to our seniors' community.

How will our company be recognised for our partnership?

We celebrate your support. From website recognition to social media shout-outs and inclusion in our newsletters. Plus, we offer virtual thank-you events and detailed impact reports.

Can we support Inclusee in other ways?

Definitely! Beyond volunteering, consider sponsorships, partnerships, or donations. We’re open to various collaboration ideas to support our seniors.

Can Inclusee accommodate team building activities?

While we don't host in-person team-building, we can support activities that benefit Inclusee. Think letter-writing campaigns or creating content for our programs.

How many employees can participate?

We can accommodate groups from 3 to 50, aligning with the roles and needs of our participants.

Can Inclusee speak at our organisation?

Absolutely! We'd love to discuss how your business can make a difference through volunteering and share insights about our unique approach in the Aged Care and Volunteer Sector.

How are volunteers supported?

We offer comprehensive support, including training, check-ins, digital tools for shift logging, volunteer events, and more. Our aim is to make the volunteering experience enriching and seamless.

What are the benefits of corporate volunteering with Inclusee?

Corporate volunteering boosts morale, enhances skills, and improves overall wellbeing. It's also great for brand image and fosters a culture of community engagement.

Can our sites across Australia or overseas participate?

Australian sites can participate in all roles, while overseas locations can engage in certain research/administration/project style roles.

What does the partnership process look like?

Join leading companies in making a difference! Contact us to discuss how we can align our volunteering opportunities with your corporate goals. The process is straightforward and tailored to your needs.
Your Journey Starts Here
Elderly man with headset enjoying watching his phone.
Digital Programs that 
Connect and Inspire
Digital Programs that Connect and Inspire
From engaging learning experiences to vibrant community activities, our easy-to-join programs empower you to connect with like-minded individuals, explore new interests, and enjoy meaningful moments.
Explore Our Programs
Volunteer woman waving at the laptop, possibly with an Inclusee participant.
Join our Online 
Volunteer Team
Join our Online Volunteer Team
Join our compassionate community of volunteers and create lasting connections that uplift spirits and bring joy. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and transform lives through kindness, support, and companionship.
Get Involved
Senior man waving at the laptop, possibly with an Inclusee volunteer.
Embrace Diversity & 
Belonging with Inclusee
Embrace Diversity & Belonging with Inclusee
Join our thriving community where everyone belongs. We celebrate the value and worth of every individual, embracing diversity in all its forms. Our inclusive programs and supportive environment empower you to connect, learn, and celebrate the richness of your unique life story.
Join In
Inclusee is a not-for-profit charity connecting older Australians, First Nations people and volunteers via engaging digital programs in a virtual community.
At Inclusee we acknowledge and respect Elders past present and future of the Turrbal people, on whose land our head office is located. We also acknowledge the many First Nations language groups of the lands on which we work and connect as the traditional custodians of those lands. We acknowledge their stories and traditions and commit to working together to further our mission of connection.
Inclusee is a not-for-profit charity connecting older Australians, First Nations people and volunteers via engaging digital programs in a virtual community.
At Inclusee we acknowledge and respect Elders past present and future of the Turrbal people, on whose land our head office is located. We also acknowledge the many First Nations language groups of the lands on which we work and connect as the traditional custodians of those lands. We acknowledge their stories and traditions and commit to working together to further our mission of connection.
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